Euler Problem 119

The number 512 is interesting because it is equal to the sum of its digits raised to some power: 5 + 1 + 2 = 8, and 83 = 512. Another example of a number with this property is 614656 = 284.

We shall define an to be the nth term of this sequence and insist that a number must contain at least two digits to have a sum.

You are given that a2 = 512 and a10 = 614656.

Find a30.

In [1]:
MAX = 10**15
expt = 3
results = set()
for expt in range(2, 50):
    for n in range(2, 10000):
        power = n ** expt
        if power > MAX or (expt == 2 and power > 10000):
        if sum(map(int,str(power))) == n:



Explanation: 81 is the only number (with at least two digits) that is equal to the square of the sum of its digits. Suppose that $n$ is a number with $d$ digits that is equal to the square of the sum of its digits. Then $10^{d-1} \le n < 10^d$ and $n \le (9d)^2$, which imply that $\displaystyle\frac{10^{d-1}}{d^2} \le 81$. This inequality is satisfied for $d \le 4$. Therefore $n < 10000$.

In [2]:
for d in range(1, 11):
    print(d, 10**(d-1)/(d**2))

1 1.0
2 2.5
3 11.11111111111111
4 62.5
5 400.0
6 2777.777777777778
7 20408.163265306124
8 156250.0
9 1234567.9012345679
10 10000000.0

In [ ]: